





2004.09-2008.07   内蒙古大学,本科

2008.09-2013.07   中国科学技术大学,博士



2013.10-2016.03 美国国立卫生研究院, 博士后

2016.08-至今  苏州大学助理研究员、副研究员(硕士生导师)







运用分子、细胞、行为学研究神经疾病和多发性骨髓瘤细胞免疫调节药物Lenalidomide敏感性,在Nat. Commun, cell reports,Molecular NeurobiologyNeuroscience等杂志上发表国际期刊论文十余篇。申请国家自然科学基金青年项目等多项科研项目。




1. 苏州市科技局项目(医疗卫生应用基础研究):增强骨髓瘤免疫调节药物敏感性的分子机制研究及临床治疗新策略,2020/07-2023/6。主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:免疫调节药物结合蛋白cereblon调控p53核质分布及其影响多发性骨髓瘤细胞增殖的机制研究,2018.01-2020.12。主持,已结题。

3. 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目:神经退行性疾病中蛋白聚集体形成的分子机制研究,2017.09-2019.08。主持,已结题。

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助:泛素连接酶底物受体cereblon调控蛋白聚集体形成的机制,2017.01-2018.12。主持,已结题。


已发表论文:* 通讯作者


(1) Wang B#, Duan J#, Zhou L*. The paradoxical pharmacological mechanisms of lenalidomide and bortezomib in the treatment of multiple myeloma. Anti-Cancer Drugs 32, 227-232 (2021).

(2) Yu W, Wang B, Zhou L*, Xu G*. Endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated p62 downregulation inhibits apoptosis via c-Jun upregulation. Biomolecules & Therapeutics 29, 195-204 (2021). (co-correspondence).

(3) Zhou L*, Duan J. The NMDAR GluN1-1a c-terminus binds to CaM and regulates synaptic function. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 534, 323-329 (2021).

(4) Zhou L, Yu W, Jayabalan D, Niesvizky R, Jaffrey S, Huang X*, Xu G*. Caspase-8 inhibition prevents the cleavage and degradation of E3 ligase substrate receptor cereblon and potentiates its biological function. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology (2020), doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.605989.

(5) Zhou L, Xu G*. Cereblon attenuates DNA damage-induced apoptosis by regulating the transcription-independent function of p53. Cell Death and Disease 10, 69 (2019).

(6) Zhou L, Hao Z, Wang G, Xu G*. Cereblon suppresses the formation of pathogenic protein aggregates in a p62-dependent manner. Human Molecular Genetics 27, 667-678 (2018).

(7) Zhou L*, Duan J. The c-terminus of NMDAR GluN1-1a subunit translocates to nucleus and regulates synaptic function. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 12, (2018), doi: 10.3389/fncel.2018.00334.

(8) Chen S, Yang J, Zhang Y, Duan C, Liu Q, Huang Z, Xu Y, Zhou L*, Xu G*. Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBE2O regulates cellular clock function by promoting the degradation of the transcription factor BMAL1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 29, 11296-11309 (2018). (co-correspondence, 封面论文).

(9) Zhou L#, Wang H#, Ren H, Hu Q, Ying Z*, Wang G*. Bcl-2 decreases the affinity of SQSTM1/p62 to poly-ubiquitin chains and suppresses the aggregation of misfolded protein in neurodegenerative disease. Molecular Neurobiology 52, 1180-1189 (2015).

(10) Zhou L, Wang H, Chen D, Gao F, Ying Z*, Wang G*. p62/sequestosome 1 regulates aggresome formation of pathogenic ataxin-3 with expanded polyglutamine. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15, 14997-15010 (2014).

(11) Zhou L, Wang H, Ren H, Chen D, Gao F, Hu QS, Fu C, Xu R, Ying Z*, Wang G*. Bcl-2-dependent upregulation of autophagy by sequestosome 1/p62 in vitro. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 34, 651-656 (2013).

(12) Zhou L, Wang H, Wang P, Ren H, Chen D, Ying Z*, Wang G*. Ataxin-3 protects cells against H2O2-induced oxidative stress by enhancing the interaction between Bcl-X(L) and Bax. Neuroscience 243, 14-21 (2013).

(13) Yang J#, Huang M#, Zhou L, He X, Jiang X, Zhang Y, Xu G*. Cereblon suppresses the lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response by promoting the ubiquitination and degradation of c-Jun. Journal of Biological Chemistry 26, 10141-10157 (2018).

(14) Zhang Y#, Duan C#, Yang J, Chen S, Liu Q, Zhou L, Huang Z, Xu Y, Xu G*. Deubiquitinating enzyme USP9X regulates cellular clock function by modulating the ubiquitination and degradation of a core circadian protein BMAL1. Biochemical Journal. 8, 1507-1522 (2018).

(15) Chen S, Yang J, Yang L, Zhang Y, Zhou L, Liu Q, Duan C, Mieres CA, Zhou G*, Xu G*. Ubiquitin ligase TRAF2 attenuates the transcriptional activity of the core clock protein BMAL1 and affects the maximal Per1 mRNA level of the circadian clock in cells. The FEBS Journal 16, 2987-3001 (2018).

(16) Liu S, Zhou L, Yuan H, Vieira M, Sanz-Clemente A, Badger JD 2nd, Lu W, Traynelis SF, Roche KW*. A rare variant identified within the GluN2B C-terminus in a patient with autism affects NMDA receptor surface expression and spine density. Journal of Neuroscience 37, 4093-4102 (2017).

(17) Gu X#, Mao X#, Lussier MP#, Hutchison MA#, Zhou L, Hamra FK, Roche KW, Lu W*. GSG1L suppresses AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission and uniquely modulates AMPA receptor kinetics in hippocampal neurons. Nature Communications 7, 10873(2016).

(18) Gu X, Zhou L, Lu W*. An NMDA receptor-dependent mechanism underlies inhibitory synapse development. Cell Reports 14, 471-478 (2016).

(19) Wang P, Li B, Zhou L, Fei E, Wang G*. The KDEL receptor induces autophagy to promote the clearance of neurodegenerative disease-related proteins. Neuroscience 190, 43-55 (2011).


